Who is the qualification for?
Provides candidates with the knowledge required to achieve a high standard of customer and drinks service when working in a bar . Candidates who pass the BIIAB ACDS will demonstrate that they understand the importance of delivering high levels of customer satisfaction – something that any business must achieve in these increasingly competitive times.
In addition, candidates who successfully complete the BIIAB ACDS and also hold either the BIIAB ARAR (in England and Wales) will be awarded the nationally recognised BIIAB Professional Barpersons Qualification (PBQ).
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What does the assessment involve?
This qualification has been designed to be taken over 10 guided learning hours and the learning is assessed through a 25 question multiple-choice examination. BIIAB approved centres set their own costs for training, so please confirm the course costs with your chosen training provider.
The BIIAB ACDS is supported by an easy-to-follow workbook which contains all the information required to pass the examination, together with activities and revision questions. The innovative and interactive style of the workbook is designed to encourage learners to take pride in consistently offering customer excellence, not just providing customer service.