Top-up Training
for Door supervisors Security guards
SIA 2021 Top-Up Training for Security Refresher Course
Top-up training for door supervisors and security guards
Top-Up Training for Security Refresher Course £190
SIA 2021 Top-Up Training for Security Refresher Course
“This course is the NEW 2021 SIA Specification course”
On 1/4/2021 the Security Industry Authority (SIA) announced they would be introducing regulations meaning that existing door supervisors, who have completed the pre-QCF Door Supervision qualifications (the old 2 unit qualification), would need to undertake additional training in order to renew their Door Supervisor licences.
This course is delivered over 2-3 Days and does require some self-study, including e-learning learning prior to the course
SIA 2021 Top-Up Training for Security Refresher Course
The qualification has been designed for SIA security staff to undertake additional training in order to renew their licence.
This new accredited qualification is comprised of the following six mandatory units:
SIA 2021 Top-Up Training for Security Refresher Course is part of the SIA licence holders
The Security Industry Authority (SIA) has undertaken a review of the top-up training for door supervisors and security guards, which will be required before security licences can be renewed from April 2021 mandatory from October 2021.
The training will include key elements of the new content that the SIA is introducing to licence-linked qualifications in April 2021, so that licence holders have the same basic skills and knowledge as new entrants achieving the updated qualifications.
The practical elements in the training have also been increased to help learners reinforce their knowledge and ensure it is more robust. The practical assessments include:
Searching, dealing with conflict, report/statement writing and using communications devices.
Expanded core learning common unit for all operatives includes:
- Communication skills
- Incident management
- Health and Safety procedures
- Citizens’ arrest
- Protecting vulnerable people
- Emergency procedures
- Record keeping
- COVID-19
Door supervisors
- An emergency first aid at work qualification (required to take top-up training)
- Use of equipment such as body-worn video recorders, breathalysers and an increased array of Personal Protective Equipment such as stab vests, needle/slash resistant gloves.
- Updated ACT counter-terror threat awareness
- Physical intervention skills training (knowledge and Maybo practical)
- The enhanced content on the management of crowds
Security guards
- An emergency first aid at work qualification (required to take top-up training)
- Additional content covering personal safety and the risks associated with physical intervention. This includes content on how to identify situations that might compromise personal safety and the use of strategies like dynamic risk assessment. This does not include any practical physical intervention training
- Updated terror threat awareness
Close Protection
- Additional content covering sector-specific physical intervention skills training. A further announcement on this content will be made later. It is likely that the new Close Protection qualification will be launched in Oct 2021.